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왕좌의 게임 시즌03 4화 - And Now His Watch is Ended

왕좌의 게임 시즌03 4화 - And Now His Watch is Ended

방영 날자 : 4월 21, 2013

요약 : Jaime Lannister rides with his severed hand hanging from his neck as the Bolton men heckle him. Weak and dehydrated, he falls from his horse onto the muddy ground. His pleas for water are answered with horse urine. Infuriated, he seizes one of the men's swords, but is further humiliated when he tries to fight with his left hand. Although restrained, Brienne attempts to aid Jaime but her efforts prove futile and Jaime is quickly beaten. Locke threatens to take his other hand if he acts up again.

Tyrion Lannister visits Varys, hoping to prove that his sister was behind the attempt on his life at Blackwater. Varys, who has no evidence of the Queen's intentions, changes the subject to the story of how he was cut as a boy. He tells of the sorcerer who castrated him, then burned his parts. A voice in the flames answered the sorcerer, a voice that still haunts Varys and catalyzed his hatred of magic. It was this hate that motived him to join the fight against Stannis Baratheon and his red priestess. As he speaks, Varys excitedly pries open a large crate, revealing the sorcerer inside. Varys advises Tyrion to be patient; revenge and influence are a matter of time.

Bran Stark sees the three-eyed-raven in a dream. Jojen Reed encourages him to climb a tree in pursuit of the bird. High in the branches, Bran sees his mother, who begs him not to climb. She shakes him pleadingly, causing him to fall. He awakes and shares a knowing look with Jojen.