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왕좌의 게임 시즌04 3화 - Breaker of Chains

왕좌의 게임 시즌04 3화 - Breaker of Chains

방영 날자 : 4월 20, 2014

요약 : Cersei Baratheon holds the deceased King Joffrey in her arms and commands the guards to seize her brother Tyrion. Realizing Sansa has vanished, Tywin Lannister orders  the gold cloaks to bar the gates and search for her. Dontos rushes Sansa on to a rowboat and guides them to a ship concealed in fog. Sansa climbs aboard and is greeted by Littlefinger. Lord Baelish thanks Dontos for delivering Sansa safely, and under the guise of making payment, has the fool killed. Sansa is horrified, but Littlefinger explains that killing Dontos was the only way to ensure his silence. Plucking the necklace from Sansa's neck, Lord Baelish tells her Dontos was only following his orders. He smashes the Hollard family heirloom, revealing it to be made of glass.

Olenna Tyrell comforts Margaery, who is still traumatized by the gruesome death of her husband. The Queen of Thorns maintains that Joffrey's death is fortunate; Tommen Baratheon will be a better match for Margaery.