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왕좌의 게임 시즌03 9화 - The Rains of Castamere

왕좌의 게임 시즌03 9화 - The Rains of Castamere

방영 날자 : 6월 2, 2013

요약 : Robb Stark shows his mother his plan to take Casterly Rock from the Lannisters. With so much at stake, he asks Catelyn for her advice; her instincts were right about Theon. Catelyn, grateful to have regained her son's trust, advises moving forward.

The Stark army arrives at the Twins and Robb, Talisa, Catelyn, Edmure and Blackfish are welcomed as guests by Lord Walder Frey. Robb apologizes profusely to Lord Frey and the women in his family for breaking his promise to marry one of them. Walder scoffs at the king's contrition and ogles Talisa. Despite the tense exchange, Walder pledges to put the past behind them.