경찰청 이지은 경감, 대구 원정 선글라스 피켓 시위
밀양사건 1인 시위 현직 경찰간부가 직권남용과 모욕죄로 고소당한 검사에게 경찰수사를 받으라며 실력행사에 나섰다. 경찰청 수사국 수사구조개혁단 소속 이지은 경감(34·경찰대 17기)은 27일 오전 11시40분 대구지검 서부지청 앞에서 ‘박모 검사(38·대구지검 서부지청 형사부)는 경찰 소환조사에 응할 것’을 촉구하며 선글라스를 낀 채 피켓 시위를 벌였다. 이 경감은 이날‘폭언+수사축소 압력의혹, 박OO 검사는 경찰의 소환요구에 증각 응하라!’라는 피켓을 들고 1시간 가량 시위를 벌였다. 이 경감은 피켓 시위를 벌인 뒤 이날 오후 1시15분 1인 시위를 마치고 상경했다. 박 검사는 지난해 9월 창원지검에서 당시 밀양경찰서 정모 경위(30)로부터 수사 축소 지시를 하고 심하게 모욕했다며 지난 3월 고소를 당했..
2012.04.27 -
남극 장보고 기지 2012.04.07
갤럭시 노트, 뉴요커들에게 직접 보여줬더니 Is the public ready for Samsung's new Galaxy Note device, which melds tablet and phone into one unique mobile device? We hit New York streets and received some surprising results Any device that tries to combine two devices into one is asking for trouble, and random people we spoke to here in..
2012.02.20 -
Sub-Zero Weather: Can Your Smartphone Stand The Cold?
Some smartphone manufacturers don't recommend that their devices be used in cold weather while others guarantee smooth functioning even in temperatures as low as 4 degrees below zero. MikroPC (PCWorld Finland) decided to test if smartphone manufacturers can back up their claims. We obtained the 15 most-sold mobile phones in Finland, as well as three others for comparison, and took them into the ..
2012.02.14 -
Motorola Droid Razr Maxx Review: Now With More Battery Life
If the Motorola Droid Razr Maxx ($300 with a two year contract from Verizon; price as of 1/27/12) looks familiar, that’s because it is virtually identical to the Droid Razr. The big difference between the Razr Maxx and the Razr is battery life: Motorola claims that the Razr Maxx gets 21 hours of talk time on a charge. One of the weaknesses I found with the original Razr is that battery life drai..
2012.02.14 -
Techie Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas
Valentine's Day Gifts Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and we’ve made it easy to find cool gifts with a techie vibe. The geek quotient ranges from subtle computer-aided fabrication techniques to more blatantly tech-oriented accessories for gals. There are plenty of red-hued baubles, too. Our picks are priced for a range of budgets, from freely available NASA images to one-of-a-kind geologic..